It makes me wonder: while the 6th floor of our building completely had been renovated with beautiful doors and highlighted painted walls, on the 7th there is only one lightbulb, which is probably not working since the collapse of the USSR, and I’m pretty sure that the guy who screwed this lightbulb in has bitten the dust a long, long, long time ago. By the way, there is a hole in the ceiling here as well.
On the 11th floor, there is a writing with large capital letters – ‘Anna – The Best’ and ‘I <3 you Anna’, most likely Anna herself wrote this, ’cause there is another one under those with the same handwriting – ‘Edward Cullen <3’. There is a note on the 13th’s walls too – ‘Only God can Judge Me’ when I walk past that floor, I go a bit faster, just in case. Also, I increase my speed on the 3rd floor. The dogs are barking there. Recently I found out that they are just two little poodles, though. But size doesn’t matter in this case, I am freaked out by all types of breeds except for toy dogs.
There has been a never-ending smell of sorrel soup on the 8th floor for three days, while on 12th there is a distinct smell of diapers and poop. However, the only crying baby lives on the 9th, and the baby might also have some siblings as it is impossible to make such a sound alone. Or maybe they are crying because on the upper floor someone seems to be putting all his soul into playing the violin, in the same key of those babies are crying.
Well, in the building there is also a mystery residing on the 5th floor. Either someone is always watching Gor Vardanyan’s movies or a psychopath who regularly beats up his family members lives here.
I started to recognise neighbours from the 4th floor by their faces, as the elevator doesn’t open up here and they are going up and down by stairs, as I do.
The best floor is the last – the 14th since it has two significant pros. Firstly, from here I can clearly see the window without curtains from the 9th floor of the building in front. And secondly, here I can take a breath and get ready for the next round.
Passing down with each balcony between our building’s floors, I am going back to the starting point; The first floor. Whenever I look through the glass of the entrance door, I want to open the door and run away to Tumo Park. Just run, as I used to do before that state of emergency was declared.
There is a pedestrian crossing between the Kievyan bridge, and I miss that feeling when I calculate the speed between my direction and that crosswalk as I could cross it directly at that time when traffic light’s green signal will switch on. I even miss the holey ‘pedestrian crossing’ sign near the traffic light. There is a music store on that road, and Mr Vardan – the seller, is always smoking outside, and I would catch him there every time. He probably thinks I’m a guitar player because every now and then I buy some strings or other guitar stuff for my introvert friend. I simply miss greeting him.
I miss those ‘velvet-revolutionary’ terrible graffiti at the foot of the bridge on the walls of the underpass. And what I miss the most is that mix of the smell of freshly prepared outdoor ‘hot’ dogs and the fresh grass in that park. I don’t like to enter the park, though. It is a dog-friendly one, you know. So better not speed up. I’m ending my 3rd kilometre at the Tumo School. There are some benches, but I have a favourite one. It is not really unique, I don’t even know why exactly I like it, because it is as ordinary as others and I’m really going crazy if this one is occupied. So, here finally I’m pausing for 5 minutes. If I leave home at my usual time without any delays, I can see those same people here. Curious, right? There is even some hard-to-solve puzzle. Look, every time I see a young teenage girl who always wears black and white, like a piano notes bow tie. Once I saw a young hippie-style woman bringing her to school. The woman had a Yin and Yang tattoo on her neck and a helix piercing. So, the mystery is that I’ve never seen her anymore, the person who brings her to school every time is different. Either her family is changing their babysitter daily or she has lots of mums and dads.
That was my daily workout route; that’s how I used to complete the green exercise ring on my iWatch. I have discovered every tiny piece inside this building by climbing over and over again. I wanna run ahead, but I’m climbing up and down. Up and down. Up. And down.
Anyway, back to reality, the second floor is where my apartment is. It’s my checkpoint. Like some neutral mood between ups and downs.
I have decided not to leave home again.
Just makes me wonder on which online supermarket can I find binoculars?

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