Eduard harenc

Van Gogh was relieved of his ear,

because he didn’t need it:
he had already heard Genius.

Al-Ma’arri actually saw as much,
that no longer
eyes were so important.

Charents had no grave,
he is not dead yet.

I greet people with my left hand,
because with my right hand
I have already greeted God…

Translated from Armenian by Artur Avagyan


Life lives me with all my details,
and I turn around it
as a color of another brush.
My canvases are full of hole
as a Japanese coin,
through that in turn
all my loves always rescue out
from me with outgoing ringing
about my wonderful loss…
And my claps
are heavier me.
So I’ve collected them
in my hand
as an tattered paper
and keep them
for the last – the death
to revamp its masks,
that will be hole one day,
as my canvases are.
And I’ll ring out forever,
and life will live on me
with all my details…

Translated from Armenian by Vanuhy Alabekyan


Under the window of poetry
from each end till the beginning of the century
I lavish serenades drunk…
And till around me membranes chewing
prostitute times,
for captivating my heart,
are changing the hues of
their die for barren underclothing,-
my beloved color in the world
Is the poetry…


Summers are crumbling flushing,
as Rodin’s «Danaide’s» membranes of brain…

Autumns are weary untidy from fate,
out from their hue –
as painter’s bra- splitted in barocco style…

Winters are self-refute pistils’
pallid prolongation
from green dreams of angels …

But still I’m the spring
of unrequited love…

Translated from Armenian by Ani Hakobyan


among your red oaths
the colours of the angels
are reluctantly raining;
the rain is punctuating squalls
on my soul’s pavement,
which you’re
as a crock-crow…


I am plucking now
the eyelashes of silence piece by piece
and patching my prayer,
which has splitted by nuances of word…
Now the nuance is more than the voice…
And now I’m already
entering the church of Hope barefooted,
for my steps won’t draw voices to my fortune.
How many footprints have been splitted by the whispers…
And my footprint
is my prayer of love,
which never ends,
as it’s never coloures in words…
And now
the main colour is,
that love is the poem of the feeling…
That muses don’t become to women…

Translated from Armenian by Herminée Arshakyan

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