Tatevik Kolarski | Alice Munro’s Short Story “Amundsen”
Alice Munro’s Short Story “Amundsen” and its Translation into Armenian by Anna Davtyan Alice Munro is a Canadian short story writer, winner of numerous literary awards including the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature for her work as “master of the contemporary short story.” Her short story “Amundsen” appeared in The New Yorker in 2012 and...

Lilit Margaryan | Why is Zabel Yessayan an important author who should be taught in Armenian Schools
Zabel Yessayan is one of the most prominent and important writers of Armenian literature of the 20th century, our greatest female writer, who is totally abandoned in Armenia and is widely unknown to the public. Her works are not included in school books, nor have they been subjected to serious academic studies, and none of...

Anna Maria Mattaar | Sun of the twins by Hrachya Saribekyan
Sergei Bulgakov: “That life is a supreme reality, it is evident and certain for all those who participate in it. Nevertheless, it is a spiritual life, hidden in the “secret man,” in the “inner chamber” of his heart; in this sense it is a mystery and a sacrament. It is above nature — in other...

Arqmenik Nikoghosyan | The main tendencies of the development of modern Armenian poetry
1. Nowadays it seems to be possible to divide the Armenian poetry of the independence period into different parts. The poetry of 1990s is a complete entity in all respects and can be analysed as a separate phase. Literary nonstop process seems to form the next phase and some skids and circulation are determined by...

Hasmik Hakobyan | Linguistic realization of modern armenian poetry
The diversity of world orders, the thematic-structural elements,the variety of solution of primary problems make the modern poetry significant. Each type of poetry puts its world order and the language of thinking. The words become conventional signs of reality. So what is the poetic reality? What is the function of poetic word? Different poetic directions...

Gevorg Ter-Gabrielyan | The Archeology of Future literature
Series: Caucasus Analytical Digest (CAD) Issue: Literature in the Caucasus Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich; Jefferson Institute, Washington D.C.; Heinrich Böll Foundation, Tbilisi; Research Centre for East European Studies, University of Bremen Publication Year: 2010 Gevorg Ter-Gabrielyan examines the role of prose writers in Armenia’s early and Soviet periods and the collapse...
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